Once Upon A Wander

Join the WanderJobs team as we learn the stories and experiences of seasonal travelers. These nomads travel the globe for work and volunteering, or have found a way to create unusual permanent-travel lifestyles.

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Friday Sep 11, 2020

Amanda runs the Nomad Tree Lodge in Panama with her husband Asher. Volunteers help run the place in exchange for room & board, but the borders are shut during Coivd.

Monday Jul 27, 2020

Traveler Sam lives and works at the Pacific Islands Club in the tropical US Territory of the Northern Mariana Islands. While there, he meets friendly locals, makes some unusual trades, and experiences a tropical storm that causes heavy damage to the island.

Wednesday Jul 15, 2020

A nomad from Jordan, Osama outlines the challenges of meeting people and making friends in the US, a problem he hasn't had in other countries.

Tuesday Jul 14, 2020

Marissa lived and worked aboard the Disney Magic cruise ship. The hours were long, rooms small, experience worthwhile.

Monday Jul 06, 2020

Feeling pressure to marry from her Mormon family, Nita instead chooses to venture out and finds a new life among seasonal travelers in Grand Teton National Park.

Friday Jul 03, 2020

Georgie takes us through his volunteer experience with Ratna Ling's Yeshe De Project, where he helped at the Buddhist book bindery in 2017. 

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